Dorothea Rescue Center is a rehabilitation Centre for street girls between ages 8-14 years, established in the year 2020 in response to increasing number of the girls on the streets of Nairobi due to among others the covid-19 pandemic that has put a lot of strain on many families thereby forcing many families to abject poverty especially in the slum areas. DRC’s goal is to “ensure that street children are rehabilitated and developed to their full potential to become productive members of society”.
The Dorothea Rescue Center has 3Rs key pillars (Rescue, Rehabilitate and Reintegrate) street girls and it strives to achieve this vision – To Love Is To Share by reaching out to street children in Nairobi to give them love, hope and dignity to maximally develop their potentials.
On the 20th of May 2022, Eka Hotel had the honor to donate a number of items to DRC. The hotel was represented by a team of 10 staff members from various departments led by members of the Eka Hotel CSR committee. Among the items that were donated include bed sheets, bed covers, towels and other linen.
The day was filed with activities that started with a tour of the property, lunch session, skits and games. The event started at 1pm and lasted for 3 hours.